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In August 2014 I arrived in Costa Rica with no idea of how this country would affect me.

When sadly I had to say goodbye after 3 inspirational and amazing months,

I knew one things for certain.

Costa Rica had definitely found a place in my heart and soul!

I have travelled quite extensively but this place was in a world of its own. A dream land which actually exists in reality.

A place of majestic landscapes, breathtaking views, picturesque beaches full of charm and character,

lush forests and jungles, abundant wildlife, pure fresh air, volcanoes which stand tall and give a sense of mystery and awe,

and small towns with huge hearts.


Not to forget the amazing adventures to be had and the friendly and welcoming locals which

embraced me and made me feel like I was part of a community.


This place had charm and character and Costa Ricans (Ticos) are truly blessed with their stunning natural landscapes

and all it has to offer.        


As soon as I left, I wanted to return as I felt a strong connection with the country. Each day away I found

myself dreaming about a return.


I couldn't resist the feeling that was pulling me back so by the end of January 2015 I had booked a ticket

and by mid-May I was back in the beautiful natural surrounds of Costa Rica where I felt at home.


For 5 months I adapted to living the Pura Vida life, I found an apartment with a local tica (Costa Rician female)

and lived in a friendly neighbourhood in a small touristy however quite local town.

During this time I made great friends, created many memories, discovered myself, continued to learn the language

(which I still need a lot of work on) and experienced feeling like part of a Costa Rican community.


I struggle every time I have to leave however I know that is never going to be a  goodbye forever but just a goodbye for now. Costa Rica is a place I feel I have a strong connection with and will always find a reason to return.


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